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Previous Speakers

Jie Tian

Jie Tian

Children’s Hospital of Chongqing Medical University China

Giuseppe Castaldo

Giuseppe Castaldo

University of Naples Federico II Italy

Silja Torvik Griffiths

Silja Torvik Griffiths

Haukeland University Hospital and University of Bergen Norway

Patrick Pladys

Patrick Pladys


Minna Huotilainen

Minna Huotilainen

University of Helsinki Finland

Tatiana Papazian

Tatiana Papazian

Saint Joseph University Lebanon

Tran Quynh Nhu

Tran Quynh Nhu

University of Tokyo Japan

Alvarado Socarras Jorge Luis

Alvarado Socarras Jorge Luis

Fundacion Cardiovascular de Colombia

Clinical Neonatology 2019

About Conference

The “26th Annual Congress on Neonatology & Clinical Pediatrics" will be held at Bangkok, Thailand during July 15-16, 2019.  The theme falls on “Discovering new scopes in Neonatology and Clinical Pediatrics”.

Pediatrics Conferences set goals to promote the knowledge in each and every aspect of Clinical sciences & Medical sciences in one direction of research work.

Clinical Neonatology 2019 will focus on the most latest and experimental developments in every aspect of Pediatrics research which gives huge opportunities for experts over the field to fulfill and go through clinical improvements. We are waiting for an extraordinary event in Thailand and further one-of-a-kind nations and expect a medical and moreover a delegate participation. We cordially welcome all the prominent researchers, students and delegates to take part in this Pediatric Conferences 2019 to witness precious scientific discussions and to participate in Pediatric Oral presentations, Pediatric Poster presentations, Pediatric Workshops & Neonatal Symposiums to make a contribution & improvements in the area of Clinical Pediatrics.

Clinical Neonatology 2019 is a world huge platform to discuss and research on Neonatology, Pediatrics, Pediatric OncologyPediatric Cardiology, Pediatric Endocrinology, Neonatology and Perinatology, Treatments for Pediatric diseases & Pediatric Surgical Operations, Pediatric Gastroenterology, Pediatric Immunology, Pediatric Dentistry.

Sessions and Tracks

1.Clinical Pediatrics Care:

Pediatrics  is the branch of medicine that includes the medical care of Infants, children, and Adolescents. The American Conservatory of Pediatrics praises people is under Pediatric care up to the age of 21. A medical doctor who focuses in this area is known as a Pediatrician, or Pediatrician. The Pediatric word its congates mean healer of children.

Pediatrics Conferences | Neonatal Conferences | Pediatrics Events | Neonatology Conferences 2019 | Clinical Pediatrics Congress | Neonatal Meetings | Pedology Conference 2019

Related societies: International Pediatric Association, National Association of Neonatal Nurses, Paediatric Association of Nigeria,  Kenya Paediatric Association, Burlington Pediatric Association, Pediatric Research Association, American Pediatric Surgical Association, Recent Egyptian Pediatric Association.

2.Pediatric Nursing:

The main role of Pediatric Nurses is to manage directly procedures and medicines to Children according to prescribed Nursing Care plans. Neonatal Nurses are listed Nurses who focus working with these young, visible patients. Pediatric Nurses are expected to have a fast capability and quick response on stressful situations to contain the serious situations includes

  • Quickly diagnosing conditions and provides fast solutions.
  • Administering the right medications to reduce pain.

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Related societies: Asia Pacific Pediatric Association, Irish Paediatric Association, The Association of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition Nurses, Association of Pediatric Oncology, International Pediatric Sleep Association, International Pediatric Nephrology Association.   

3.Clinical Pediatrics Practices:

 The South African Pediatric Clinical Practice Guidelines are considered to assist Clinicians with decisions about proper health care for Children and young people aged 0-18 years. It is not including administration of neonatal conditions                                  

  • Reduce the use of unnecessary harmful interventions.
  • Some guideline are planned to improve the quality and stability of Health care

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4.Neonatology and Perinatology:

Neonatology is a sub speciality of Pediatrics that contains the Medical care of New born Infants, especially the ill or Premature New Born. Neonatologists are new born infants who required special medical care due to prematurity, low Birth Weight, Congenital Malformations, and sepsis. 

A specialty of obstetrics afraid with the care of the foetus and complicated, high-risk pregnancies. Perinatology is also known as Maternal-Foetal Medicine. Some of the facilities are provided by the maternal-foetal specialist includes diabetes care, management of multiple gestations.

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Related societies: Advocare Haddonfield Pediatric Association, American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus, Canadian Association of Paediatric Surgeons, Pediatric Congenital Heart Association, Canadian Pediatric Cardiology Association.

5.Pediatric Oncology:

Pediatric Oncology is a Child Hood Cancer. It deals with the branch of medicine concerned with the diagnosis and treatment of cancer in includes Adolescents between 15-19 years. The common Cancers in children are Leukaemia and Brain Tumour.

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Related societies: Kenya Paediatric Association, National Association of Neonatal Nurses, Canadian Association of Neonatal Nurses, Pediatric & Neonatal Association , Paediatric Nursing Associations of Europe, Association of Neonatal Glycemia , Malaysian Paediatric Association.

6.Clinical Trials:

In a Clinical Trial, contributors receive specific participations according to the research plan or procedure created by the investigators. These interventions may be Medical Products, such as Drugs, procedures. Clinical trails used in drug advances are sometimes termed by level. These levels are defined by the Food and Drug Administration.

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Related societies: The International Child Neurology Association, Philippine Ambulatory Pediatric Association, Pediatric Associates of Austin, Malaysian Paediatric Association, IPA - International Pediatric Association,  The Japanese Association of Pediatric surgery.

7.Pediatric Cardiology:

Pediatric Cardiology is a Childhood Heart Problem. A number of heart conditions can affect children. Some are born with structural differences. Others contain the electrical system that controls the heartbeat. Pediatric Cardiologists are specially trained to diagnose and treatment for these Heart Problems.

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Related societies: 40th Malaysian Paediatric Association MPA Annual Congress 2018, Egyptian Pediatric AssociationEgyptian Pediatric Association Gazette, Pediatric Nursing AssociationsEuropean Neonatal Societes, Hongkong neonatal society.

8.Pediatric Gastroenterology:

Pediatric Gastroenterology is a Digestive Care For Kids and liver issues from minor to acute and chronic conditions. Some of the conditions are includes like Abdominal Pain, Allergic Diseases of Digestive System, Gastrointestinal Bleeding, Polyps, Pancreatic Disorders.

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Related societies: Hongkong paediatric society The Hong Kong Paediatric Nurses Association, British Association of Paediatric SurgeonsBritish Paediatric Neurology Association, Pakistan Pediatric Association, Australian and New Zealand Association of Paediatric Surgeons.

9.Pediatric Pharmacology:

The Pediatric patient responds to medications inversely than the adult patient for a sum of reasons. If examine the uptake and distribution of medications whether they are directed intravenously, orally, by inhalation, Intramuscular injection or rectally, the Pediatric patient has the same rapid uptake observed by the slower, elimination phase as an adult. The timing of these phases may be and regularly altered.

 These deviations related to: body composition, Protein Binding, Cardiac, Renal, and Hepatic Function.

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Related societies: Paediatric Society of New Zealand, Belgium Association of Pediatric Surgery European Society for Paediatric Anaesthesiology, Bangladesh Paediatric Association, Philippine Pediatric  Society Nepal Paediatric Society, Dutch Society of Pediatric Neurology.

10.Pediatrics Healthcare & Infectious Diseases:

 Pediatrics  it deals with the branch of medicine that involves the medical care of Infants, children, and adolescents. The main common infection diseases includes       

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11.Pediatric Hospital Medicine:

Children's Hospital is a hospital which offers its services completely to Children and Adolescents. Maximum children's hospitals can serve children from birth up to the age of 18 children’s hospitals doctors may extravagance towards children until they finish high school. The number of children's hospitals multiplied in the 20th century, as Pediatric medical and surgical specialties separated from internal medicine and adult surgical specialties.

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Related societies: International neonatology association in phillipines, PHILIPPINE SOCIETY OF Neonatal MEDICINE, Italian Society of Noenatology, New Mexico Pediatric Society, Mexican society of pediatric surgery, The International Association of Paediatric Dentistry.

12.General Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine:

Pediatrics deals with the branch of medicine that involves the medical care of infants, children, and adolescents. Adolescent Medicine is a medical subspecialty that concentrates on care of patients who are in the adolescent period of development, mostly ranging from the last years of fundamental school until graduation from high school.

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Related societies: The Mexican Society of Pediatric Neurology, Polish Society of pediatric Neurologists, Poland - European Association of Perinatal Medicine, Portuguese Society of Neonatology , Portuguese Society of Pediatrics, Portuguese Society of Cardiology, Latino American Association of Pediatrics.

13.Infancy & Child Nutrition:

Infant and New-born’s Nutrition is the description of the dietary needs of new-born’s and infants. Food delivers the energy and nutrients that infants need to be healthy. Typical babies ingest 1400 food calories a day. A adequate intake in Nutrient Rich Food is good nutrition.

A poor diet can lead to energy imbalance. Example eating more calories without any physical activities and can increase ones risk for heavyweight and obesity. 

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Related societies: Canadian Paediatric Society, International Pediatric Nephrology Association Russian AssociationRomanian Association for Pediatric Education in Family Medicine, National Societies of Paediatric Oncology , Romania  Association of Perinatal Medicine

14.Pediatrics Primary Care:

Primary care is the day to day healthcare given by a Health Care Source. Charestically this source acts as the first contact and major point of on-going care for patient within a 

Healthcare source, and coordinates other Specialist care that the patient may need. Patients commonly accept first care from professionals such as a Primary Care Physician , nurse practitioner.

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Related societies: Union of European Neonatal and Perinatal Societies, Italian Society of Pediatrics, Society for Pediatric Dermatology, Saudi Neonatology Society, Saudi Pediatric Association, Saudi Pediatric Neurology Society, Saudi Society of Pediatric Dentistry.

15.Maternal & Foetal Neonatal Medicine:

Maternal foetal also known as Perinatology. It is a branch of medicine that focuses on managing health concerns of the mother and foetus prior to during the pregnancy and soon after pregnancy.

Maternal foetal medicine experts are physicians who subspecialty within the field of obstetrics. Neonatology is a subspecialty of pediatrics that contains the Medical Care of new born infants, especially the ill or premature new born.

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Related societies: The Saudi Society of Pediatric Gastroenterology Hepatology and Nutrition, Annual Meeting of Pediatric Association of Serbia, National pediatric societies Serbia , Algerian Society of Pediatric Odontology, Argentina Association of Dentistry for Childrens

16.Pediatrics Dentistry:

Pediatrics Dentistry is the branch of dentistry dealing with children from birth through adolescence. Pediatrics dentistry promotes the dental health of children also serve as educational resources for parents. . It is recommended by the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry and the American Academy of Pediatrics that a dental visit should occur within the six months after the presence of the first tine or by a child's first birthday. 

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Related societies: Australian & New Zealand Society of Paediatric Dentistry, Bolivian Society of Paedriatic DentistryBrazilian Society of Paediatric Dentistry, Bulgarian Association of Paediatric Dentistry, Cambodian Society of Paediatric Dentistry, Chilean Society of Paediatric Dentistry.

17.Pediatrics Diagnosis:

Pediatrics Diagnosis and the management of children with developmental disabilities.

The present study highlights the Pediatrician’s utilization of specialized interdisciplinary centres for diagnosis of children with major evolving disabilities. It includes most common diagnosis

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Related societies: Chinese Association of Pediatric Dentistry, Swiss Society of Neonatology, Sudanese Association of Pediatricians, Taiwan Pediatric Association, Turkish Neonatology Association, Colombian Academy of Paediatric Dentistry, Uganda pediatric Association

18.Pediatrics Surgery:

Neonatal Surgery and Foetal Surgery. Some of the common Pediatric diseases required Pediatric surgery it includes:

Pediatric surgery is a subspecialty of surgery involving the surgery of foetus, infants, children.

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Related societies: Bulgarian Neonatology Association, Croatian Association for Neonatology and Neonatal Intensive CareHungarian Society of Pedodontics & Orthodontics, Cyprus Society of Paediatric DentistryIsraeli Neonatal Association, Lithuanian Neonatal Association.

19.Pediatrics Dermatology:

Pediatric Dermatologists treat a wide range of Pediatric Skin conditions using the present available treatment methods. Pediatric dermatologists treat children from birth through adolescence. Pediatric dermatologists provide some services includes Diagnosis of various skin conditions includes Birthmark, Pigmented Birthmark, contact Dermatitis.

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Related societies: Romanian Neonatal Association, Macedonian Association of Pediatric and Preventive DentistrySerbian Association of Neonatal Medicine, Slovakian Paediatrics Society, German Society of Paediatric Dentistry, Association of Neonatologists of Ukraine.

20.Pediatric & Child Neurology:

Pediatric Neurology is a medical journal that highlights the Neurological Disorders of children and adolescents. Most common disorder of Pediatric neurology includes Epilepsy and also most serious disorder in the world. Some of the common disorders include    

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Related societies: Iranian Society of Paediatric Dentistry, Uruguayan Society of Pediatric Cardiology, Hellenic Society of Paediatric Dentistry, PEDIATRIC ASSOCIATION OF UZBEKISTAN, Vietnam pediatric association, American Society of Pediatric Otolaryngology, Spanish Society of Pediatric Intensive Care.

21.Clinical Pediatric Emergency Medicine:

Clinical Pediatric Emergency Medicine is a medical subspecialty of both pediatrics and emergency medicine. It involves the care of homogenous, impulsive children with acute illnesses or wounds that require immediate medical attention. These problems are frequently serious and may be life-threatening.

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Related societies: American Society of Pediatric Nephrology, kazakhstan - International Pediatric Association, Zambia Paediatric Association, Surat Pediatric Association, International Society of Pediatric Surgical Oncology, American Society of Pediatric Oncology and Hematology.

22.Brain Tumour in Children:

Pediatric Brain Tumours are the growths of abnormal cells that occur in a Children Brain or the tissue and structures that are close to it. Many different types of Pediatric brain tumours exist  some are Noncancerous and some are Cancerous. Some are the types of brain tumours

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Related societies: Pediatric Trauma Society, American Academy of Paediatric DentistryPediatric Infectious Diseases Society, North American Society of Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology, Society for Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, Ukrainian Association of Preventive and Paediatric Dentistry.

23.Advanced Pediatric Drugs:

Advanced Pediatric Drugs .The object of the course is to support that Pediatric Health Care provider in developing the information and skills necessary to professionally and effectively manage critically ill infants and children resulting in advanced outcomes.

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Related societies: The Hong Kong Society of Paediatric Respirology and Allergy, Paraguayan Society of Pediatric Dentistry, Romanian National Association of Paediatric Stomatology , Swedish Society of Paediatric Dentistry, American Society of Pediatric Otolaryngology, Society for Pediatric Radiology.

Market Analysis

Neonatology and Clinical pediatrics conference will focus on the new and exciting innovations in all areas of Neonatology and Clinical Pediatrics research which deals with unique opportunity for investigators across the world to meet, network, and perceive novel scientific innovations. This year’s Neonatology and Clinical pediatrics highlights the theme, “Discovering new Scopes in Neonatology and Clinical Pediatrics’’ which reflects the advanced progress in neonatology research. The two days conference contains neonatal care workshops, conferences and special keynote meetings conducted by well-known and renowned speakers who shine in the field of Pediatrics and Neonatology which include the topics Pediatric and Neonatal Health, Pediatrics Primary Care, Neonatology and Perinatology, Pediatric and Neonatal Oncology, Pediatric and Neonatal Gastroenterology, Pediatric and Neonatal Radiology, Children Vaccines. This international Clinical Neonatology 2019 also encourages the energetic involvement of young students, upcoming researchers and nascent scientists as we are hosting Clinical Neonatology 2019 Poster Award Competition and Young Research Forum at the conference venue.

Clinical pediatrics and Neonatology is the branch of medicine that comprises the healthy care of infants, children, and adolescents. The American Academy of Pediatrics commends people should be under Pediatric Care up to the age of 21.

Conference Highlights:

 Major Associations and Societies Worldwide:

Industries Associated with Neonatology in worldwide:

Hospitals Associated with Neonatology Worldwide:

Hong Kong Children's Hospital

Garrahan Pediatric Hospital

Children's Hospital of the Holy Trinity

Pediatric Hospital of the Child Jesus

Hospital of the Child Jesus

Lady Cilento Children's Hospital, Brisbane

Mater Children’s Hospital

Royal Children's Hospital, Herston

Chittagong Maa-Shishu O General Hospital

Dhaka Shishu Hospita

Alberta Children's Hospital, Calgary

Stollery Children's Hospital, Edmonton

British Columbia Children's Hospital, Vancouver

The Children's Hospital of Winnipeg, Winnipeg

Children's Hospital Hautepierre , Strasbourg

Children's Hospital-Adolescent , Nantes

Past Conference Report

Clinical Pediatrics 2018

We are thankful to all our wonderful Speakers, Conference Attendees, Students and Associations for making Clinical Pediatrics 2018 Conference the best ever!

14th International conference on Clinical Pediatrics was held during June 14-16, 2018 at Holiday Inn Rome - Aurelia Via Aurelia Km 8,400, 00165 Roma, Italy based on the theme The formative methodologies and recent trends in Clinical Pediatrics ". Benevolent response and active participation was received from the Organizing Committee Members along with Scientists, Researchers, Students and leaders from various fields of Pediatrics, who made this event an outstanding success.

Conference Series LLC LTD expresses its gratitude to the conference Moderator, namely Mohamed Ahmed Bahaa Eldin M. M. Hussein, Cairo University, Egypt and Sasigarn A. Bowden, The Ohio State University, USA for taking up the responsibility to coordinate during the sessions. We are indebted to your support.

The conference was initiated with the Honourable presence of the Keynote forum.

The list includes:

·        James E. Heubi, University of Cincinnati, USA

          Donna Mendez, The University of Texas Health Science Center, USA

·        Dafina  Kuzmanovska, Saints Cyril and Methodius University of Skopje, Macedonia

·        Sasigarn A. Bowden, The Ohio State University, USA      

The meeting reflected various sessions, in which discussions were held on the following major scientific tracks:

·         Clinical Pediatrics

·         Pediatric Surgery

·         Pediatrics Allergy and Infections

·         Pediatric Cardiology

·         Neonatology

·         Pediatric Endocrine Surgery

·         Pediatric Oncology and Hematology

·         Pediatrics Nutrition and Breast Feeding

·         Pediatrics Nephrology and Urology

·         Pediatric Endocrinology and Diabetes

·         Pediatrics Health Care

·         Pediatrics Neurology

Conference Series LLC LTD offers its heart felt appreciation to Organizing Committee Members, keynote speakers, dexterous of field, various outside experts, company representatives and is obliged to other eminent personalities who interweaved with the organisation and supported the conference in every aspect, without which the conference would not have been possible.

Your rejoinder is our inspiration; keeping this motto in mind and being witnessed the triumph of Clinical Pediatrics 2018,Conference Series LLC LTD would like to announce the commencement of the “26th Annual Congress on Clinical Pediatrics ” to be held in March 25-26, 2019 Hong Kong. We welcome all the eminent researchers, students and delegate participants to take part in this upcoming conference to witness invaluable scientific discussions and contribute to the future innovations in the field of Pediatrics.

Mark your calendars for the upcoming Conference; we are hoping to see you soon!

Let us meet again @ Clinical Pediatrics Meeting 2019

For More details visit:

Past Reports  Gallery  

To Collaborate Scientific Professionals around the World

Conference Date July 15-16, 2019

Speaker Opportunity

Day 1 Day 2

Supported By

Clinical Pediatrics: Open Access Pediatrics & Therapeutics Journal of Neonatal Biology

All accepted abstracts will be published in respective Conference Series International Journals.

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